Sunday, August 23, 2009

Waste not, want not for food


Ramadan is the time that many give charity to the needy. Unfortunately, this is also the time when we are wasting so much food every day. Those who are working in the municipality are saying the rubbish bins are full of wasted food. When we waste valuable food, realise one fact: in our country there are thousands living without required food, and working in the extreme heat.

I have seen workers who reach the work site at 7.00am with some rice or roti and a few spoonfuls of lentils that hang in a plastic bag, exposed to the heat until they eat at the mid-day break. One can imagine the condition of that food when they eat! Before throwing away food, let us remember these poor people. If some one could collect the excess food in refrigerated vans and supply it to the labour camps, it would be a great help.

K V Shamsudheen, Sharjah

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